From their humble beginnings in 2008, the Women’s Progression Days by Lorraine Huber have become one of the most sought-after ski camps in the Alps. Women between 18 and 65 and all off-piste skiing abilities come to Lech am Arlberg each year to experience the inspiring and confidence-building environment of our all-female groups, learn from our expert guides, make new skiing friends and simply have fun. Join us!
„I want to help women build confidence in their abilities.“
„Ich kann dieses Camp jeder Frau, die Skifahren liebt, nur wärmstens empfehlen. In diesen Tagen darf jede einfach so sein, wie sie ist, gemeinsam mit anderen Ladies ihr skifahrerisches Können verbessern, Freundschaften schließen und das Leben feiern.“
Eva Pinkelnig
Gesamtweltcupsiegerin im Skispringen
„Durch Lorraine’s offene, ehrliche und begeisternde Art, bekommt man automatisch Vertrauen in sich selbst und es fühlt sich so gut an, weil Lorraine es schaffst eine enorme Gruppendynamik zu erzeugen und aus jeder Einzelnen das Beste heraus zu holen.“
Carmen Oexle
passionierte Outdoor-Sportlerin aus Deutschland
I used to often ask myself “why aren’t there more women in freeriding?”. For a long time, I couldn’t tell you why. I just knew there was more to it than having a certain amount of courage and fitness. Then, while I was working as a young guide in Sölden in the winter of 2003/2004, I learned that the biggest fear for a lot of my female clients wasn’t a fear of injury, but a fear of holding up the group.
The thought that they might not be able to keep up – that others would have to wait for them – was enough to stop these women from going freeriding. That’s when I got the idea to teach freeriding to all-female groups. My theory was that when women are amongst themselves, they would feel more comfortable to stretch their abilities and learn something new without obsessing over whether they are good enough.
„We just have to start doing instead of trying to be perfect.“
Build your skills, become part of an inspiring community of female skiers, and discover some of the best ski tours at the Arlberg with Lorraine Huber and the Women’s Progression Days guides!
Hi, I’m Lorraine Huber. I’m a pro skier, freeride world champion and mental strength coach. I help people overcome their fears, perform under pressure, and achieve their goals.
I’d love to hear from you:
Phone: +43 650 9558399