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Lorraine's Master Skills!

In this six-part video series, world champion skier and certified mental strength coach, Lorraine Huber, reveals key lessons on mindset and mental strength exercises that she herself needed a decade to learn as a competitive freeride skier on the prestigious Freeride World Tour.

Delve into some of the main learnings that allowed Lorraine to increase mental strength and mental toughness, enter flow state, become a better skier, overcome anxiety and fear, and perform at her best – even under extreme pressure.

Watch these videos to fast-track your progress and results in any high-pressure, highly volatile environment, whether it’s in skiing, sports, sales, leadership, or finance.

Footage by: Hanno Mackowitz
Freeride World Tour
Bjarne Salén
Birds of a Feather
Shades of Winter
Stefan Häusl
Produced by: Lisl Film
Thanks to: Spyder, Faction,
Lech Zürs Tourismus
This series comes with a set of six mental strength action cards you can download for free. Get the step-by-step process of the mental strength techniques I show you here to help you put them into action now!
How To Build Confidence

Learning how to build confidence is just like any other skill and not something you have to be born with. I wasn’t! Building confidence is the antidote to feeling overly anxious, nervous and stressed when it’s time for you to perform your best and the results matter to you. How to overcome self doubt is an essential skill and one you don’t want to leave to chance.

The master skill of how to build confidence is having a system in place to work through the fear: by challenging yourself on a regular basis and at the right level. I teach you how in this video with tangible examples from my career on the Freeride World Tour. Plus, I’ll reveal the one thing you must do to enter flow state.


How to Stop Negative Self Talk and Self Criticism

How do you stop negative self talk and self criticism? It’s essential to learn this skill if you want to know how to build confidence. I’ll show you the step-by-step process to stop negative self talk and create positive affirmations for confidence. I’ll also help you understand what the inner coach vs inner critic is.

Becoming a good inner coach to ourselves is key to silencing the inner critic so many of us have when we are challenging ourselves our struggling to perform. First, we want to create awareness of when our inner critic is speaking, and then learn to listen to our inner coach more.

Visualisation Techniques for Athletes

Visualization, mental imagery or mental rehearsal is a powerful mental strength technique all of the top athletes have learnt to master. In this video, I show you step-by-step how to practice visualization techniques that will get you amazing results and help you to overcome fear of the unknown. The example I use in this video is how to visualise a freeride line you’ve never set foot on.

Visualisation exercises and learning how to visualise isn’t only useful to athletes, it can be used by anyone wanting to mentally prepare for an important event.

How to Overcome Performance Anxiety

How to overcome performance anxiety is almost always intertwined with a fear of failure. I personally struggled with how to overcome performance anxiety and a fear of failure for many years as a competitive skier on the Freeride World Tour. I reveal the key mindset shift I made to finally be able to perform at my best, in flow state, and having an optimal experience!

In this video, we will look at competition pressure, competition anxiety, growth mindset vs fixed mindset, and how to move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

How to Overcome Anxiety and Fear

Learn how to overcome anxiety and fear quickly, before the physical symptoms of anxiety start to control you. In this video, I show you a key mindset shift to help you turn crippling anxiety into energizing excitement.

Further reduce anxiety and stress with simple breathing exercises to calm down that you can use fast and practically anywhere.

How to Stop Overthinking & Find your Focus

How to deal with anxiety and overthinking is a skill we can learn! In a previous video, we discussed the physical symptoms of anxiety, but what about how to overcome overthinking and worrying?

In this video, you can learn how to deal with anxiety and overthinking so you can perform at your best! The answer lies in using mental strength techniques to help you focus on the present and stay in the present moment.